Chief Warrant Officer Five Jeff Curd

Jeff Curd is a retired United States Chief Warrant Officer. His distinguished career spanned more than twenty-four years and reflects a superior record of performance and devotion to duty in both peacetime and combat operations.

Jeff began his military career in the United States Air Force, where he provided security for the nation’s nuclear assets, including B-52 bombers and Minuteman Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). Following that assignment, he was handpicked to work on classified aviation programs in the Nevada Test Range.

After completing his commitment to the USAF, Jeff followed his dream and joined the Army to become a helicopter pilot. Upon graduating from flight school, Jeff was sent to Korea, where he flew UH-60 Blackhawks in support of US and Korean Special Forces before being assigned to the 101st Airborne Division.

During his tour with the 101st, Jeff spent five months deployed to Somalia as part of Operation Restore Hope. While there, Jeff’s flight skills were tested daily, supporting UNOSOM II forces and TF Ranger. This culminated in a particular incident in which his crew was instrumental in saving the lives of 27 American Combat Engineers and Pakistani soldiers, whose convoy had become pinned down by approximately 1000 Somalis.

In late 1994, Jeff was accepted into the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. During his years in the SOAR, Jeff flew mainly the MH-60 Defensive Armed Penetrator or DAP. After the tragic events of 9/11, he immediately deployed as a member of TF Sword in support of the Global War On Terrorism, where he was selected to fly the lead DAP (Wrench 51) on the first air assault of Operation Enduring Freedom, which is, to date, the longest helicopter assault mission in history. Likewise, during the initial days of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Jeff piloted his DAP as part of the first rotary-wing team on cross-border operations, paving the way for the coalition invasion.

Prior to his retirement, Jeff was a project officer in the 160th SOAR Systems Integration and Maintenance Office (SIMO), where he applied his experience in testing, developing, and fielding complex and advanced aircraft systems for the US Army and the Regiment.

Since his retirement, Jeff has served as the lead acceptance test pilot for the MH-60M program at the Special Operations Forces Support Activity (SOFSA) in Lexington, Kentucky. He is currently residing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where he is a Senior Advisor and Aviation Program Manager.